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  • Benet Academy:, Lisle, Ill; Class of 73

  • University of Arizona: 1977, BS Degree Systems Engineering

  • SMU: 1980 - Masters Degree Computer Science

  • Texas Instruments: 1977 – 1982

    • Developed software for first Hand-Held GPS Receiver – Texas Instruments, 1977-1978

    • Founding Member of Central Research Laboratory at Texas Instruments. 1979

      • CRL (as it was called) pioneered groundbreaking R&D in Speech Recognition, Seismic Data Interpretation, and Artificial Intelligence/Computer-Assisted Learning,

    • While at CRL, worked with computer scientists at MIT and Carnegie Mellon University on several collaborative projects.

  • Stanford University: 1982 – 1986

    • Director, SUMEX-AIM, Stanford University and Stanford Medical Center

      • The SUMEX-AIM project (Stanford University Medical EXperimental computer for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine) was a national computer resource funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). It encompassed a dual mission: 1) the promotion of applications of artificial intelligence (AI) computer science research to biological and medical problems and 2) the demonstration of network-based collaboration and computer resource sharing within a national community of health research projects.

    • Managed Campus Computing Facilities at Stanford University

    • Member of ARPANET/Internet Steering Committee

    • Managed integration of the Apple Macintosh into the Stanford Campus working with the Stanford Computer Science Department.

      • My group developed the first AppleTalk to Ethernet Gateway and the first Unix-based Macintosh Development system.

      • I also created the very first Internet newsgroup for the Macintosh, called Info-Mac, 1984

  • IntelliCorp: 1986 – 1990

    • Software Engineering Manager

    • Invented and developed one of the industry's very FIRST distributed graphics application delivery environment. Called “PC-HOST”, PC-Host used the power of the mainframe to deliver a layout and graphics protocol to a PC to create graphics based applications in a distributed server based environment.

  • Sun Microsystems: 1990 – 1994

    • Product Marketing Manager for Solaris – Sun version of AT&T Unix

    • Product Marketing Manager for all Sun Microsystems User Interface Products

    • Represented Sun Microsystems Technology and Open Systems on all major Internet Standards Bodies

    • Member of User Interface Design Group at Sun Microsystems

    • Created Internet Marketing Group at Sun Microsystems - 1993

    • Created Internet Sales Division at Sun Microsystems - 1993

  • 1994 to 1998

    • Founder and CEO of,

      • The first Golf Web site, and one of the very first Commercial Internet Businesses.

      • Raised $15m in Venture Capital. Lead investor was Geoff Yang, Institutional Venture Partners (IVP), Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park.

      • GolfWeb was profiled in Business Week in February, 1995. (more info)

      • named BEST SPORTS WEBSITE, beating out, 1995

      • Sold to CBS Sportsline, 1998

      • GolfWeb later was merged with, the official website of the PGA TOUR.

  • World Golf Network: 1998-2001

    • Co-Founder, Chief Internet Officer and VP of Marketing

    • Formed this business with Jack Nicklaus and Mark Haugejorde.

  • 2012 to Present

    • CEO, Marketing, Business Development, Webmasters, Programmer, DB Administrator

    • Subscription-based web site for Data Analysis of GOLF statistics

    • Also launched app for Apple iPhones on IOS

  • Windermere Real Estate: 2002 to Present

    • Owner and Designated Broker of Windermere Real Estate in Prescott, Prescott Valley and Scottsdale, Arizona

    • Have used my Marketing, Sales, Internet and Technical Experience to create one of the most respected and successful Real Estate companies in Arizona.

© 2016 by Ed Pattermann

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